With school starting again for the 2024-2025 school year, we see all the fall activities start back up. One of these activities I have taken more interest in is freshman football. I personally feel like when people go to games the only time they see or even watch the freshman team is when you get there early for the varsity game. When interviewing Coach Piper, a freshman football coach I focused on asking about values and the direction of the freshman football team for the future of Washington high school. When asked about the positive values he sees in these freshman players one of the quotes that stuck out to me was when Coach Piper said “they’re a really type knit group in terms of togetherness…and “living the warrior way” kind of thing. We call it TTW: Tough Together Warriors.” This quote by coach Piper really stuck out to me because of how important it is to be together when you are a part of a team and making sure that the team stays motivated through hardships. When speaking on the future of Washington football and if it’s heading in the right direction with this current freshman class, Coach Piper said, “Oh, absolutely! I think the Varsity coaches are doing a great job, they have done an excellent job of just exemplifying the kind of values that we want and really starting to change the culture of Wash Football from where it was in the past to where we want it now!” He also mentioned how this year the football program started very early with practices and open gyms, “All through June and July and into August, we did everything together. 9-12. As far as the 9th graders working with the 12th graders.” This is just one example of the path wash football is heading with making sure the freshman sees exactly the work and character you need when playing within the football program at Wash.
Overall when looking at the future for the Wash football program it looks like it’s going in the right direction. This can help with making sure the student body still supports the upcoming football teams and just hopefully keeps the fans,students, and players motivated. With 2 wins under these freshmans belts I hope that we only see improvement from them not just for football but other highschool sports that some might play in coming up.